BAT is run in accordance with the principles for mental health professionals who are at the forefront of and interested in strengthening communities’ responses to acute events and confronting gradual changes in the climate, as drawn up in the American Psychology Association’s report Mental Health and our Changing Climate: Impacts, Implications, and Guidance (2017). This reflects in our focus on societal health, as well in the choice of recyclable and non-petroleum based art materials. We use climate-neutral printing for all our promotional materials.
Our professional qualification of our therapists are certified by the European Federation of Psychologists’ Associations (EuroPsy, EFPA) and the quality of our services are secured through memberships in the Norwegian and German associations for psychologist (NPF, BDP), as well as external counseling from specialists and collegial colloquial groups at the Institute for Group Analysis, Oslo (IGA).
Our practice is insured through Gothaer.